- Who formed the mould that made me before the world was born? 在天地混沌初开之前谁铸了模子?
- Who scattered the seeds so life could be, Who coloured the field of corn? Who formed the mould that made me-me, before the world was born? 是谁撒播了种子,撒播了万物的生命?是谁赋与了颜色,赋与了田野的魂灵?又是谁,构塑了那伟大的包容一切的模架在太宇诞生前的冥冥?
- The world was a blessed place before the Fall. 世界在人类堕落之前本是一块福地。
- Before the world was born? 在世界诞生之前?
- Me, Before the world was born? 在地球诞生之前?
- Poem lyrics of Before The World Was Made by William Butler Yeats. 抒情诗:巴特勒-叶芝的“世界被创造之前”
- I came upstairs into the world, for I was born in a cellar. 我要上楼梯才进入这世界,因为我是在地窖里出生的。
- Jn. 17:5 And now, glorify Me along with Yourself, Father, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. 约十七5父啊,现在求你使我与你同得荣耀,就是未有世界以先,我与你同有的荣耀。
- And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 父阿、现在求你使我同你享荣耀、就是未有世界以先、我同你所有的荣耀。
- "Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. 父阿,现在求你使我同你享荣耀,就是未有世界以先,我同你所有的荣耀。
- Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. 诸山未曾生出,地与世界你未曾造成,从亘古到永远,你是上帝。
- Old Joe went to heaven long before the World. 老乔在第二次世界大战以前就早已经见上帝去了。
- I was a young man and the world was my oyster. 当时我年轻,一切都顺心如意。
- Vanessa-Mae may like to think she was born to be one of the world’s best violinists but she does so at the casual dismissal of the 7500+ hours of practice she had before the age of 18. 陈美可能会认为自己生来就是世界上最棒的小提琴手,但她无意忽略掉了在她18岁前练琴的7500多个小时。
- The world was stunned by the vicious defamation. 这种恶意诽谤令世界震惊。
- What in the world are they hoping for? 他们到底想要什么?
- People used to think that the world was flat; now we know it is round. 从前人们以为地球是平的,现在知道是圆的。
- Hand Book Back in the 1980s, before the world was turned on to word-processor spell checkers, the Franklin company offered the Spelling Ace. 手书在二十世纪八十年代的时候,当时世界上还没有采用文字处理拼写检查软件,富兰克林公司推出了拼写王。
- Success in the world was dust and ashes to him. 他对世俗功名视若尘土。
- People used to believed that the world was flat. 人们过去总以为地球是一个平面。